Introduction: Column distillation is a widely used method in factories for separating solvents based on their boiling points. It is a highly reliable and efficient process that can produce high-purity solvents for various industrial and laboratory applications. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at column distillation and how it works. What is Column Distillation? Column distillation is a process that involves passing a mixture of solvents through a column filled with a packing material such as beads or mesh. The packing material separates the components based on their boiling points. The solvent vapor rises through the column and condenses on the packing material, where it is collected and re-distilled to produce a purified product. How Does Column Distillation Work? The process of column distillation involves heating a mixture of solvents to generate vap...
kks organics has been gaining trust since 1993 in solvent purity and yield. Buying - recovery, mix solvents(Minimum 1 litre sample required to Lab testing) Sale of Distilled solvents - Methanol, THF, Toluene, Acetone, IPA etc.,